
Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Untold Truth About Mentors, and Why You DON'T Need [Just] "One"

By: David Riklan

I think there is a misconception about what a mentor truly is. A mentor is someone who guides you, someone wise, someone you trust. A mentor can be your confidant, advisor, coach, or even your role model. Many people swear by their mentors and frequently credit them with much of their success.

Yet you do not have to choose just one! The mentor-protégé bond is certainly a special one, but this does not mean you are limited to the knowledge of only a single source. In the early years of my adult life, I was hoping to find just one person to guide me and direct me, but I never did find that person.
Over time, a few things became clear to me:

1. There is no single person who can provide us with every answer. So why abide by one mentor who you know cannot meet every requirement? I discovered that I could learn more, not by following the advice of a single person but by observing a multitude of people.

2. There is no perfect role model. I used to believe there was such a person and that I would simply model myself after him. All I would have to do is watch and do the things he or she did. Unfortunately, I haven't met that person yet.

3. There is no perfect person. Very few people possess all of the qualities that I think define success and happiness: great friends, career, health, family life, finances, social life, leisure, spiritual life, community involvement, etc. Most of the very successful people I've met had one or some of these, but hardly any had all of them. So why compare myself to the perfect person who doesn't exist?

4. I didn't have all of the answers, and I never will. I knew that I was going to make mistakes, but what I discovered was that it was much easier to learn from other people's mistakes than to make all of the mistakes myself.

To me, my mentor had to:

  • Take a personal interest in my development and support me in the avenues I take.
  • Help me strive toward the highest of aspirations, not only in career but in the satisfaction of life.
  • Want to share his knowledge and experiences, in hope that I reach a high level of achievement.
  • Show me the need to fulfill all responsibilities, both at home and away from it.
  • Care about the well-being of himself and his family.
  • Be a great overall example.
  • Needless to say, I still haven't found that one mentor yet.

Since I couldn't find that one special person to guide me, I needed to create a mentor. Now, how does one go about doing something like that? Well, it's not as hard as it seems. You first have to determine what you want. That is most important, not only because it's part of the mentor process but because it directly concerns what will make you happy in life.

Once you figure out what you want, find the people that have it or know how to get it and make sure they are willing to teach you how to get it. You don't even have to know them personally. As your mentors, they can teach you through a variety of ways: books, audio tapes, lectures, seminars, etc. A mentor then can have millions of protégés.

Here is some additional advice in finding mentors:

1. You can learn from practically anybody. In essence, anybody can be your mentor. Not only can you learn what to do or how to behave, you can also learn to avoid the wrong paths that others have followed.

2. Identify the key people in your life. Mentors can be close family members like parents or siblings, and they can also be public figures. Again, don't believe that you have to have a close relationship with your mentors. Public figures can be key people in your life because they can have a profound effect on how you live it.

3. Find people with specialized knowledge. If certain people have written an insightful book on a particular subject or have inspirational life experiences to share, then they might be possible mentors who can help in motivating you. Plus, if they are famous, they are easy to watch via television or the Internet, and their material is not difficult to find.

4. Try to ask as much as possible. Ask people for advice, ask them how they got where they are, ask them how you can get the same things. Also ask yourself what certain people would say or how they would act in specific situations. The more prepared you are, the less likely you'll make a mistake in the future.

5. Mentors can simply be people who are happy in life! Salary and position don't matter as long as there is contentment and commitment. Mentors can range from athletes and politicians to religious figures and stay-at-home mothers.

I have hundreds of mentors. So how many do you have?

This article is part of an Internet Course titled, "Self Improvement 101: The 62 Essential Truths about Improving Your Life! To get a Free Copy of the course ($59.00 Value), go directly to

Author Bio

David Riklan is the founder of , the #1 Rated "Self Improvement" site on the Internet. He has created three inspiring resources to help with your journey to greater success. They include: "Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives" & his FREE 6-part E-Course "Self Improvement 101: The 62 Essential Truths about Improving Your Life!" Details at: & he has created a phenomenal collection of Free Self Improvement and Self Help Newsletters that can be found by going to

Monday 27 August 2018

Top 5 Reasons to Sing Out Your Stress

When people find out that I'm a music therapist, the comments I hear most often are "I wish I could sing!" or "Oh, I love to sing, but I'm not good enough to do it in front of anyone". Some of these people tell me that, as children, a parent, teacher or someone else told them that they should just mouth the words because they didn't have a good enough voice.

Singing is our birthright! Singing is a natural and pure expression of how glad we feel to be alive, and the way we show our love of music. Here are my top five reasons to sing out your stress:

1. To connect with your body: We sing with our whole bodies. Because singing is so connected to closely with breath, singing helps us "be in our bodies" and let go of the thinking (or worrying) we do much of the day. Singing can be a joyful activity and can release endorphins (those feel-good chemicals that the body creates).

2. To connect with yourself: Meditative toning, singing along to a favourite song or simply humming to yourself are all ways to tap into your inner landscape and see what's going on in there.

3. To connect with others: Singing with other people - in meditation, prayer, at a sing-along, at a concert, or even over the telephone or Internet - helps us experience in a very deep way that we are all truly connected.

4. To express your feelings: Many times a singer, songwriter or composer has expressed our feelings in a way we could never have - if there's a song that expresses what you want or need to say, try singing along (keep in mind that this is just for you and it's not about "sounding good").

5. To boost your good feelings: Whatever you focus on, you'll invite more of into your life. You can choose uplifting, joyful and celebratory songs to sing.

So sing out! Be proud of your own unique voice. Experiment with what works for you - keep a journal of what you notice in your mind and body when you sing specific songs. Then you can choose the right song for the right moment and make use of the power of singing in your own life.
Author Bio
Linda Dessau, BFA, MTA, CPCC is a self-care expert, accredited music therapist and certified life coach. Learn more about using singing for stress management, personal growth and spiritual development at, where you can download the FREE report, "Top 10 Ways to Sing Out Your Stress".

Saturday 25 August 2018

Business Coaching; Learning to Change With the Market And Times

Business coaching is necessary for surpassing the current levels of performance and productivity. The challenges faced by today's organizations in terms of reinvention, reengineering, reorganizing and right sizing has forced them to utilize business coaching in order to compete in the current market environment. For the proper growth of any organization, it is necessary to have executives who are up-to-date with the recent trends and have beliefs, values, attitudes, motivation and thoughts that will drive them to excel. Business coaching provides the perfect platform for developing personal skills and behaviors that are necessary for implementing organizational changes and initiating the learning process.

Business coaching is required both at the executive and the managerial level for understanding the organization's current position and to decide its future growth patterns. Apart from effecting educational development and experience, coaching also provides objective feedback and acts as a critical tool for successfully engineering organizational change. For adapting to the rapidly shifting marketplace, organizations need to change their approach. However, this is often difficult to implement as people and organizations are naturally resistant to change. Business coaching has become a very effective tool for initiating productive changes in individuals, teams, and systems by enabling leaders, managers, and employees to uncover potential that might otherwise go untapped.

With the growing realization that profits, productivity, and customer satisfaction are the outcomes of performance rather than the cause, business coaching courses have started focusing more on leadership issues, cultural factors and the learning and development practices that drive performance. The goal of business coaching is not to be an alternative vehicle of managerial control, but rather it concentrates on empowering and delegating to create a culture of responsibility and self-generated, commitment-based actions. Coaching is certainly more than just a technique as it involves viewing the organization in a different perspective and working through relationships, dialogues and feedback for harnessing future potential and growth. It provides organizations with the capability of altering or shifting current work methods, internal and external communications and the framework within which employees normally operate. Business coaching has thus become very critical for modifying or creating an effective work environment that is more adaptable to change and growth.

Business coaching allows managers to play the role of professional business coaches for meeting organizational challenges and motivating others in their work environment. It creates the awareness among managers that by acting as coaches they can transform or create an organizational culture that is more receptive to change and open to new possibilities. Managers as coaches learn to increase self-awareness decide when and how to take action, find creative solutions, consider opinions and feedback from fellow employees, set targets, make appropriate requests, decrease hostility, and reduce stress and negative emotions in the workplace.

Coaching managers provide many direct benefits to the organization as managers get a clear idea about their commitments as well as those of the organization. They learn how to generate and maintain effective relationships, which in turn increases the levels of trust and accountability in the organization. Their understanding of organizational and interpersonal dynamics is increased considerably, allowing them to empower themselves and others to achieve organizational objectives. They learn how to take calculated risks for producing results aligned with organizational vision. They also learn to develop the right kind of unity and team spirit that will powerful work relationships that help achieve extraordinary results.
Author Bio
Visit for more information, free articles and be sure to sign up for our newsletter. is a full service Business Coaching firm, founded in 1989 and based on the philosophy of Gary B. Henson, an entrepreneur and business owner for over 25 years.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Nature and Scope of Business Coaching

Any established business can utilize business coaching as a resource to achieve a higher level of performance, learning, and satisfaction. After understanding the goals and work processes of a business, professional business coaches can organize a business coaching schedule and means of contact (e.g., in person, by phone, or via e-mail) that best serves the client. The nature of relationship between the coach and the client is a partnership, wherein the two come together to choose the focus, format, and desired outcomes of their work. Coaching does not aim at providing psychological relief or treat cognitive or emotional challenges. It aims to help the clients improve their learning and performance, and enhance their quality of life. Business coaching primarily focuses on the present and future with the only exception being that sometimes information from the client's past is used for clarifying where the client is today. Although the coach is encouraged to offer advice, opinions, and suggestions, the final decision of accepting or declining what is offered rests with the client who has the ultimate responsibility for action.

Coaches may or may not have specific knowledge of a given subject area or industry. Those who do have knowledge in other areas can use it to illuminate the coaching process but do not use this particular knowledge to identify, direct, or design solutions for the client. The relationship between the coach and the client is not based on the client's position or performance but is characterized by a growing and mutual appreciation and respect for each other as individuals. Information provided to the coach is used to promote the client's awareness and choice of action and not for evaluating performance or producing reports for outsiders. Coaching can be used to address a wide variety of subjects ranging from personal to professional as determined by the coach and the client. It empowers the client with a greater capacity to produce results and have a greater confidence in their ability to do so.

The business coaching process starts with the assessment of the business' current potential and challenges, defining the scope of the relationship, identifying priorities for action, and establishing specific desired outcomes. Apart from creating awareness about business processes, business coaching also provides a yardstick for creating coaching goals and actionable strategies, and offers a method for evaluating progress. In follow-up coaching sessions the coach supplies supplementary resources in the form of relevant articles, checklists, assessments, or models to support management policies and actions. The duration of business coaching depends on business needs and preferences.

Business coaching derives its concepts, models, and principles from varied sources such as behavioral sciences, management literature, spiritual traditions or other fields of the arts and humanities. These are then used for fostering shifts in perspective, promoting fresh insights, and providing an effective framework for managing opportunities and challenges. Coaching can also be based on an appreciative approach that focuses on what is right with the current business, what is working, what is wanted, and what is needed to get there. Through this approach, a coach can develop constructive communication skills and methods that the individual or team can utilize for enhancing personal communication. This approach is simple and offers a huge potential to harness creative thinking and goal-oriented action.
Author Bio
Are You Ready To Exceed Your Potential? Contact to find out how. You can have an expert Business Coach totally dedicated to your success. 1.866.354.7766

Tuesday 21 August 2018

10 Tools for Dealing with Criticism and Rejection

Ouch! Whether it's feedback we've asked for, an unsolicited remark called out from the audience or a simple "no" result of an audition or submission process, criticism and rejection are a huge part of our lives as creative artists.

Sometimes we're so fearful of being criticized or rejected that we keep our creativity bottled up and don't let it out.

Other times we constantly adapt what we create, focusing only on the "market" and what they seem to be liking or disliking this week. Then we end up feeling like we're not truly expressing our creative impulses.

10 Tools for Dealing with Criticism and Rejection

1. Be Open. You may be hoping for a specific reaction or response to your work, or a specific result of an audition, gallery submission, performance or contest entry. If you've done your best and you're rejected or criticized, you might feel that you've "failed", and it's probably hard to see anything positive about the situation. Try to be open to the possibility that this "failure" is actually leading you to something else, usually better than what you thought you wanted. As I read once in Cheryl Richardson's newsletter, "Any rejection is God's protection".

2. Be Consistent. Keep going, doing the little things every day that keep you creative and that keep you connected to other artists and to your customers. The dramatic moments and big wins and losses will come and go. Have a steady routine you can keep coming back to, and this will help to place any criticism or rejection into perspective. Today is a new day, another day you get to be an artist.

3. Be Focused. Keep your end goal in mind, and always be mindful of why you're doing what you're doing. That will help you focus on the big picture and not get tripped up by each bump in the road along the way.

4. Be Resilient. Remember that your sense of self-worth comes from inside of you. When you're able to be confident in yourself regardless of the feedback you get from external sources, you're able to bounce back much more easily from any negative feedback that you may get.

5. Be Positive. Focus your attention on the positive and you'll attract more of it. This is the premise of the "law of attraction", and I've certainly seen it work in my own life. Hear the positive feedback you receive and replay it over in your mind whenever you need to.

6. Be Clear. Approach constructive feedback with an accurate perspective, not muddled with thoughts from your own inner critic. Take it as a helpful tool for your own growth and remember that ultimately the only opinion that matters is your own - because you need to be happy with what you're producing.

7. Be Grateful. Be gracious to your critics, accept all of the feedback you receive, sit quietly and let it sink in. Be grateful to be actively creating - to have gotten past the fear and other roadblocks. Be grateful for the opportunity to have your work seen and heard. Some never get the chance.

8. Be Responsive. Decide consciously what to do with feedback before responding, instead of reacting with the first thought or words that come to mind.

9. Be Selective. Once you've decided what to do the feedback you've received, be selective and willing to let go of the hurtful feedback. This usually doesn't have anything to do with you anyway; it's a reflection of that person's own happiness, state of mind and comfort with themselves.

10. Be Loving. Be loving of your critic and ESPECIALLY of yourself. Plan some self-care treats for the day of the audition or submission. Regardless of the outcome, you deserve it!

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Author Bio
Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps artists enhance their creativity by addressing their unique self-care issues. Feel like your creativity is blocked? Visit to sign-up for the free e-course, "Roadblocks to Creativity".

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Creative culture has a big role to play in fostering a healthy society. Film, music and art can bring people together, inspire activism and bring about change. Check out Richard Branson's top 10 quotes on creative matters:

Monday 13 August 2018

Struggling to focus or finding you don't have enough time? Read the 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch: 

This weeks book of the week. It's a great reminder about how you can focus your time on the 20% of stuff thats important, freeing up more time and helping you to be more successful
Great article from Inc. listing off some of the free training courses Google provides:

Strengthen your network and brand on LinkedIn

Sunday 12 August 2018

Paradigm Shifting: The Power of Positive Thinking

Paradigm Shifting: The Power of Positive Thinking

Success starts with a state of mind. Christopher Columbus knew it. Thomas Edison lived it. Michael Dell and Bill Gates believe it. And Marcus Aurelius said it, ""Our life is what our thoughts make of it... A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself... "

You may ask why this is so. The formula for this is quite simple.

1. What you believe, you act on. Action begins with, and is instigated by, belief. You can not act on something that you do not, at some level, believe in, whether you are in favor of, or in opposition to, a particular idea or ideal, that position is held firm by your belief.

2. What you act on, you manifest. Any action you take results in some consequence. Every action in the universe is met with and equal reaction. Whether you are starting a conversation with a stranger, trying to learn new things, or simply looking at the food in your pantry, any action you take regarding these things WILL RESULT in a tangible "re-action". Perhaps it will be a new friendship. Perhaps it will be deeper knowledge achieved through your research. Perhaps it will simply be dinner!

3. What you manifest creates your reality. This is your personal paradigm.

The only variable in this process is the strength and duration of your belief. If your belief is not strong, if it weak or vacillating, then you are not likely to act on it. If you do not act on it, then you can not manifest it and it can not become part of your reality; your personal paradigm.

This is quite difficult for most people to comprehend, and even more difficult to implement. We have a tendency to repeat old mistakes and resist change, although we know deep down inside that change is inevitable. Nothing stays the same forever. There is an old saying that defines insanity as the expectation that acting in the same way will produce different results.

People who are successful and happy are people who have mastered the art of change. They are not afraid to revisit their prior actions and approach their goal differently, so that they are NOT acting in the same way while expecting different results. They are not afraid to move out of their comfort zones. Rather, they understand that in order for growth to occur, they must have the courage to live outside their comfort zones. Page 220 of Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life states this truth eloquently and he writes, "There is no growth without change; no change without fear or loss; no loss without pain." Successful people know this, and do not let fear, the occasional set back (i.e. interim failure), or doubt alter their vision or deter them from their goal.

Having a definitive, crystalline goal is the first step in forming your personal paradigm. You MUST be able to visualize the final end product or outcome of your goal or the end-product. It must be a singular achievement that you are passionate about.

Christopher Columbus KNEW that he could sail west and not fall off a flat planet. He hoped to find India. He happened to stumble into America, but nonetheless, he sailed west and lived to tell about it!

Thomas Edison KNEW he could create a practical incandescent lightbulb. He tested over 3000 filaments before he found one that worked, but he did it; and he revolutionized the world!

Michael Dell KNEW that he could overtake the computer behemoth IBM; and look at him now. Bill Gates KNOWS that eventually "every home will have a personal computer." He is well on his way to achieving that vision.

Goals, such as these, are not achieved overnight. All worthwhile achievements take time. So you must be patient, consistent, and persistent in your effort. You must have the faith to BELIEVE in your goals to maintain your desire to succeed.

By knowing this truth, you can begin to shape and mold your reality by taking steps, every day, to create a crystalline vision of what your want your reality to be. Be prepared, however, because this is not easy. It takes work. It takes courage. And, most of all, it takes the fortitude of persistence so that you put aside all thoughts of and encounters with failure, and you view failure as an opportunity or an obstacle to overcome, but not an end in and of itself.

However, once you have formed your vision; once you have set your crystalline goal as a fixture into your thoughts, you WILL begin to take action toward your goal. It is inevitable. All action is instigated by your belief. Further, what you act on, you manifest. Therefore, you will soon find yourself attracting opportunities, ideas, solutions, and people who can and will propel you toward achieving your goals.

Success is no secret that is available only to an elite few. It is available to everyone, all the time. It is the certainty of the power that you possess - the power of your own beliefs to create and manifest your own personal paradigm; you success paradigm.

So I ask you, what is your paradigm? What Do You Believe?
Author Bio
Ms. Potavin's business is to provide the means that allows you to discover, unlock and harness your hidden talents, inspiring you to live fully AND purposefully; to acknowledge your achievements and accept your downfalls; and allow yourself the opportunity to BELIEVE in your abilities and SUCCEED in your professional and personal life. Visit Amy at

Friday 10 August 2018

Setting Goals: Your only recipe for success

Setting Goals: Your only recipe for success

Goals are like signposts. As long as you can see these signposts, then you know you are heading in the right direction. When you set goals, you eliminate the possibility veering off the track and derailing into failure. When a train veers of the rails, the entire locomotive is derailed. Looking at the rails, one does not see anything special in them; just a solid mass of steel. But that simple mass of steel ensures that the train remains on course and that everyone on board reaches their destination safely and on time.

Goals are like rails. Without them, our claim to success will never find expression in reality. Just as a train must stay on the rails to complete the journey, our dreams, our ambitions, and our desires must find expression in goals that are clear, realistic and timely.

When we have well articulated and clearly defined goals, the journey towards success becomes lighter, even less tiring. This is because goals help us to (i) stay focused (ii) be realistic in our expectations (iii) gauge our progress (iv) avoid being overwhelmed (v) re-evaluate and redefine our strategy to ensure conformity and consistency with our objectives.

Stay focused
John Maxwell says "obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off the goal". How true! Every time you take your eyes away from the goal at hand, you will surely wander off into troubled waters. If you get to a point in your success journey where you can't see your goal, you are definitely headed into failure territory.

Goals constantly remind us that there are tasks that need to be done, and within a particular time frame, for us to make progress. Without goals reminding us of where we are and what we are supposed to do to get where we ought to be, we will only be working hard and achieving nothing. Hard work, as Maxwell says, "is the accumulation of easy tasks you did not do when you should have". The easy routine tasks that we sometimes ignore feeds into our success. Failure to perform these tasks will translate into failure.

Goals must be realistic
Goals must be firmly established upon unflinching reality. If you want to go to New York and you only have ten dollars, it would be foolhardy to start packing for your journey. The reality is that boarding a plane to New York from Nairobi costs more than 10 dollars! But you say, "I have faith in God"? Well, faith is not foolish, neither is it an emotion. No amount of goose bumps or frenzied hysteria will take you to New York on ten dollars. Be real or you will miss the deal.

Goals are yardsticks
Like yardsticks, goals help us gauge or measure our progress, or lack of it. Without goals constantly reminding us where we are and what we should be doing to get where we ought to be, we will be running wild. No amount of sticking our head deep into the sand will help us achieve success. We must stick it out to the end by daily attaining the goals we have set for ourselves. This can only be done if today's tasks are 'done' today!

To post pone to tomorrow today's task will only mean one thing: a clog up tasks. The result is that we end up breaking our backs trying to accomplish both yesterday's and today's tasks; resulting in sloppy and unfinished tasks.

Goals help us avoid overwhelm
To de-stress our lives, we need to learn how to work smart by finishing our daily tasks on schedule.

This is important if we are to avoid being overwhelmed by tasks carried over from yesterday.

One of the leading causes of burnout and depression is the failure to tackle simple tasks on time. As tasks pile up one after another, we end up having to work overtime and sometimes overnight; pushing our body to limits it was not designed to go. To avoid overwhelm, learn to decongest your life by doing what must be done today, today! However if you want to work hard and up stressing yourself, go ahead and let the tasks accumulate.

Goals help us re-strategize
Finally we need to re-evaluate and redefine our strategy to ensure conformity with our objectives. Strategies help us achieve our goals faster. However, some of the strategies we use are sometimes rendered obsolete by the passage of time. When this happens, it is important to redefine or tweak them a little.

Strategies must always remain relevant and in line with the desired goals. When they become irrelevant or obsolete, they should be discarded and new ones invented.

Strategies help us save time by crowding out irrelevant tasks; those that only take up our time but which do not feed into in to our goals. Strategies also help us to concentrate on priority tasks; those that are crucial to the attainment of our goals.
Author Bio
Innocent Mwangi Gathungu is a motivational and inspirational speaker. He specialises in helping people in their spiritual lives and in motivating them to achieve their highest potential. For motivational and inspirational articles, visit his websites at and

Monday 16 July 2018

How To Develop A "Wealth" Mindset

In this article, I’m going to explain to you how to achieve the mindset of wealth. For people who have this mindset, they can create money out of thin air and basically at will. For people lacking this mindset, they won’t enjoy the same level of financial abundance that they possibly could.
Here are the 7 hot tips on how to develop a wealth mindset:

Believe that you deserve wealth. You have to believe that you deserve it. If you don’t believe, you will overlook untold opportunities. If you don’t believe you deserve wealth, you will sabotage your own efforts. If you’re wanting to attract wealth but don’t believe you deserve it, it’s like driving a car pressing both the gas and the brake at the same time. It doesn’t work.

Develop an “opportunity consciousness.” Look around and begin to ask yourself, “How can I add more value? How can I make things faster, easier, quicker, less hassle, more fun for people? How can I make money solving this challenge? What can I do to solve this problem and make money doing it?” The bigger the problem you solve, the more wealth will pour into your life. The more you serve others, the more wealth you will achieve.

Organize your life to matter more to others. The more you make your time and life valuable to others, the more wealth you will have. Period. End of story. Organize your life to matter more. Develop more valuable skills, network more with high achievers, and focus on serving people.
Begin to think in terms of passive income. Develop passive income as soon as possible. Passive income is something you do once and get paid multiple times for it. It’s the real secret of the rich. If you are always selling your time in exchange for money, your income is limited because your time is limited. I cannot emphasize the importance of passive income enough.

Visualize wealth. Visualize yourself making lots of money (or whatever the definition of wealth is for you). Visualize total financial abundance flowing toward you. There really is total abundance. You can tap into it. It’s there for the taking.

Cancel out negative thoughts. Vigilantly guard your mind as to what kind of ideas you put into it. If you put garbage into your mind, you’ll get garbage results. If you have great ideas, you’ll get great results. Monitor your internal dialogue and monitor what other people are saying to you, especially regarding money matters, finances, and wealth. If they’re dead broke, run away as fast as you possibly can. If they’re mega-wealthy, pay attention and hang on their every word!

Think about money as energy. When you pay out or receive money, it’s really a measure of the value of the energy you’re exchanging. If you’re getting $20.00 an hour, you’re saying that the energy you’re putting out to create the value that you’re creating is worth $20.00 an hour. If you want to make more, figure out how to raise your energy that you’re putting out and how to deliver more value to others in the same time.

There you have it my friend. Using these white-hot tips, I’ve been able to double my already substantial income. You can do the same. Wealth doesn’t discriminate. It wants you as much as you want it. Just get out there, use these tips, and attract that total abundance into your life.
You can do it because you are unstoppable!

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